Today we received word that FiLM iNDEPENDENT, the independent film behemoth, will be providing Fire Department, Inc fiscal sponsorship! You may know FiLM iNDEPENDENT from the Spirit Awards — which they host every year, or from the numerous independent films they help every year through labs, funding, and in our case, fiscal sponsorship. The term Fiscal Sponsorship can be misleading, it is not a blank check being offered to us. In fact no money is involved in a fiscal sponsorship agreement at all. It is an arrangement between an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and an individual or entity lacking the legal status needed to receive grants from foundations, individual donors and government agencies. FiLM iNDEPENDENT provides administrative services and oversight to, and assume limited legal and financial responsibility for, the activities of groups or individuals engaged in work that furthers the fiscal sponsor’s mission, in this case, to champion creative independence in visual storytelling and support a community of artists who embody diversity, innovation and uniqueness of vision. In other words; your donations are now tax deductible! To make a tax deductible donation to Fire Department, Inc click here to go to the nifty online donation page FiLM iNDEPENDENT set up for us! For more on what fiscal sponsorship is, check out this great video FiLM iNDEPENDENT put together!
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September 2024